Samskipahöll Spretts, Kópavogi
Giant schnauzer, black |
Antal tilmeldte hunde i officielle klasser: 8
Antal bedømte hunde i racen: 10 Dommer: Hassi Assenmacher-Feyel, Tyskland |
Bedst i racen - BIR | ||||
Sophirol Aiseo |
Katalognr.: 0082
Ejer: | ||||
Opdrætter: null null | ||||
Udstilling information
Klasse: Championklasse |
Bedst i modsat køn - BIM | ||||
Heljuheims Úlfur Úlfur |
Katalognr.: 0078
Ejer: | ||||
Opdrætter: Ragnhildur Gísladóttir 810 Hveragerði Island | ||||
Udstilling information
Klasse: Åbenklasse |
Hanner | ||||
Juniorklasse | ||||
Plac. | Katalognr. | |||
1 | Excellent EX | CK 3.BHK Jun.CERT | 0075 Kritik | Heljuheims Draumur í Dós |
Good size, masc. head, good length, dark almond shaped eyes, g. ear carriage, v. expressive, nice long neck, ex. topline, deep chest, g. forechest, nice front + well angulated behind. Moves quite well but could do it better in front. G. tail carriage. V. good coat + temp.
Opdrætter |
Mellemklasse | ||||
Plac. | Katalognr. | |||
1 | Excellent EX | CK 2.BHK R.CERT R.CACIB | 0076 Kritik | Heljuheims Leifur |
Ex dog, nice long head, lot of expression, dark eyes, nearly paralell headlines, ex. ear carriage. Nice long neck, ex, topline, deep chest, g. forechest, well ang. front + behind. Moves very well. Harsh coat + nice temp.
Opdrætter |
Åbenklasse | ||||
Plac. | Katalognr. | |||
1 | Excellent EX | CK 1.BHK CERT CACIB BIM | 0078 Kritik | Heljuheims Úlfur Úlfur |
Masc. head, good headlines, nice stop, dark eyes, well carried ears, long neck, ex. top + underline, nice forechest, ex. front + well ang. behind. Strong mover, harsh coat. g. temperament.
Opdrætter |
2 | Excellent EX | 0077 Kritik | Heljuheims Myrkvi | |
Masc. head, g. headlines, dark eyes, ex. ears, v.g. neck, ex. body, strong deep chest, g. forechest, well ang. front + behind. Moves quite well but is not so well trained, g, coat + temperament
Opdrætter |
Tæver | ||||
Juniorklasse | ||||
Plac. | Katalognr. | |||
1 | Excellent EX | CK 3.BTK R.CERT Jun.CERT | 0079 Kritik | Heljuheims Dramatíska Afbrigði |
Ex bitch, fem head, v. expressive, nice pigm. dark eyes, ex. ear carriage, nice neck, ex. body, corr. in all parts, strong mover, nice coat + temp.
Opdrætter |
Mellemklasse | ||||
Plac. | Katalognr. | |||
Good G | 0080 Kritik | Heljuheims Einstök | ||
Shy bitch, g. size, long fem head, scissor bite, dark eyes, well carried ears, good expression, corr. neck, v.g. body, g. topline + depth of chest. well ang. front + behind. Moves well. Should be much more free in temperament
Opdrætter |
Åbenklasse | ||||
Plac. | Katalognr. | |||
1 | Excellent EX | CK 2.BTK CERT R.CACIB | 0081 Kritik | Heljuheims Slembidemba |
Fem. head, expressive, dark eyes, well carried ears, nice neck, ex. topline, nice depth of chest, ex. front + hindlegs, moves well. Harsh coat + nice temp.
Opdrætter |
Championklasse | ||||
Plac. | Katalognr. | |||
1 | Excellent EX | CK 1.BTK CACIB BIR | 0082 Kritik | Sophirol Aiseo |
Very nice bitch, long fem. head, excellent parallell lines, dark eyes, ex earset + carriage, ex. expression, very typical. Good neck, ex. top+ underline, strong front + hindlegs. Very well angulated. Moves with g. drive. Harsh coat. Nice temperament.
Opdrætter |
Opdrætsklasse | ||||
Plac. | Katalognr. | |||
1 | HP ÆP | 0084 Kritik | Heljuheims | |
One comb. three brothers, all of the same type, all w. ex head + body's congratulation to the breeder.
Avlsklasse | ||||
Plac. | Katalognr. | |||
1 | HP ÆP | 0083 Kritik | Sophirol Aiseo | |
+ 82 dam
The dam gave her nice type to all the offsprings, big complement to the owner of the bitch
Opdrætter |
Par klasse | ||||
Plac. | Katalognr. | |||