Samskipahöll Spretts, Kópavogi
Miniature schnauzer, black & silver |
Antal tilmeldte hunde i officielle klasser: 28
Antal bedømte hunde i racen: 33 Dommer: Hassi Assenmacher-Feyel, Tyskland |
Bedst i racen - BIR | ||||
Estrella De La Victoria Dark Angel Julia |
Katalognr.: 0037
Ejer: | ||||
Opdrætter: Nakidaylo Yuliya | ||||
Udstilling information
Klasse: Championklasse |
Bedst i modsat køn - BIM | ||||
Skeggjastaða Lars Frá Útstekk |
Katalognr.: 0019
Ejer: | ||||
Opdrætter: Lára Bjarney Kristinsdóttir 200 Kópavogi Island | ||||
Udstilling information
Klasse: Åbenklasse |
Bedste hvalp | ||||
True-West What A Feeling |
Katalognr.: 0009
Ejer: | ||||
Opdrætter: Sigmar Eyjólfsson Island | ||||
Udstilling information
Klasse: Hvalpeklasse |
Hanner | ||||
Juniorklasse | ||||
Plac. | Katalognr. | |||
1 | Excellent EX | CK 2.BHK R.CERT Jun.CERT | 0010 Kritik | Svartwalds Sidewind |
Nice male, v. g head+expr. Almond shaped eyes, v. g. ear carriage, nice long neck, well build body, ex. topl. + underline, nice front + hindlegs. Hindmovem. could be better, nice coat + temp.
Opdrætter |
2 | Excellent EX | 0011 Kritik | True-West Taktu Til Við Að Tvista | |
Ex. young dog, Masc. head, very expressive, dark eyes, well placed, ex. ears. G. neck , Ex body, ex. lines, g. forechest, w. ang. Moves very well. Nice coat + temp.
Opdrætter |
3 | Excellent EX | 0013 Kritik | Bjarkartúns Milky Way | |
Long head, masc. exp. g. stop, dark eyes, g. ear carriage, Long neck, short body, g. depth of chest, nice forechest, ex front + hindlegs, The best tail in the class. Moves v. well behind, not as good in the front, nice coat + temp.
Opdrætter |
4 | Excellent EX | 0012 Kritik | True-West John Lennon | |
Ex. male, Long masc. head, g. stop + pigm, dark eyes, w. placed ears, nice neck, compact body, ex. lines + ang. Only the tail could be better carried. Hind movement. could be better, g. coat. G. temp.
Opdrætter |
IM | Ikke mødt | 0014 Kritik | True-West Johnny Bravo | |
Opdrætter |
Mellemklasse | ||||
Plac. | Katalognr. | |||
1 | Excellent EX | 0015 Kritik | Skeggjastaða Leonard For Dadadream | |
Masc. head, typ. exp. dark eyes, almond shaped, g. earset + carriage, V. expressive, G. neck, G. topline, + underl. No forechest, G, front, shoulder a bit upright, W. ang. behind. Moves quite well. G. coat + temp.
Opdrætter |
2 | Excellent EX | 0016 Kritik | True-West I Want It That Way | |
Masc, neck , expressive, ears could be carried closer together, dark eyes, long neck, g. topl. + underline, A bit forechest. Upright in shoulder, deep chest, g, front + hindlegs. Moves a bit close behind, Nice coat + markings + temp.
Opdrætter |
Åbenklasse | ||||
Plac. | Katalognr. | |||
1 | Excellent EX | CK 1.BHK CERT CACIB BIM | 0019 Kritik | Skeggjastaða Lars Frá Útstekk |
Nice long head, masc. expression, lot of pigm. g. ears, expressive, v. g. neck , comp. body, nice lines, well ang. Moves well, nice coat + temp.
Opdrætter |
2 | Excellent EX | 0017 Kritik | Posh 'N' Sassy Ventus Barbatus | |
V, masc,. typ, head, dark eyes, well placed, ears could be better carried, expressive, nice neck, comp. body, ex, top + underline, g,. shoulder + forechest. Nice front + hindlegs. Moves quite well. Nice coat marking + temp
Opdrætter |
3 | Excellent EX | 0018 Kritik | Jerycho Dzikie Pola (FCI) | |
Masc. head, nice dark eyes, g. ears, g. expr. Neck long enough, comp. body, short back g. croup, no forechest, deep chest, g. front + well ang. behind. Moves quite well, g. coat, markings + temp.
Opdrætter |
Championklasse | ||||
Plac. | Katalognr. | |||
1 | Excellent EX | CK 3.BHK R.CACIB | 0021 Kritik | Skeggjastaða Eldjárn Úlfur |
Ex. dog, long masc. head, dark eyes, ex ears, v, expressive. G. neck. Exc. built. Corr in all parts. Hind movement should be better. G. coat + markings + temp.
Opdrætter |
2 | Excellent EX | 0020 Kritik | Skeggjastaða Bernhard Kolbeinn Jr. | |
Masc. head, Dark eyes, well carried ears, nice pigm, g. stop, g, expression, enough neck, short body, g. lines + ang. Moves well behind but not so g. in front. G. coat + temp.
Opdrætter |
Tæver | ||||
Hvalpeklasse | ||||
Plac. | Katalognr. | |||
1 | SL SL | BIK | 0009 Kritik | True-West What A Feeling |
Ex. 6 m. old bitch, nice head, g expr. W. placed eyes, ex. ear carriage, G.neck, well build body. Corr. lines and ang. Moces ver well. G. coat and temp. Nice tailcarriage Very promising
Opdrætter |
Juniorklasse | ||||
Plac. | Katalognr. | |||
1 | Excellent EX | CK 3.BTK R.CERT Jun.CERT | 0027 Kritik | True-West Sleeping Beauty |
Fem head, very expressive, dark eyes, g. ears, long neck, comp. body, corr. lines + angulations. Hind movem. could be better, ex. coat + nice temp. Ex, tail carriage.
Opdrætter |
2 | Excellent EX | CK 4.BTK R.Jun.CERT | 0024 Kritik | Skeggjastaða Oprah Elín Eldey |
Nice young bitch, fem head, ears could be carried better, dark eyes, g. expr. nice neck, ex. body, corr. in all parts, well trained movement, nice coat + temp.
Opdrætter |
3 | Excellent EX | 0022 Kritik | True-West Energy og Trú | |
Fem. head, Elegant, dark eyes, g. ears, well carried ears, g. stop. g expression, nice neck, well buildt body, corr. lines + ang. Front movem. should be better, I think it's only the training, well carried tail, g. coat + temp
Opdrætter |
4 | Very good VG | 0023 Kritik | Helguhlíðar Mía | |
11 months, g. head, ears are not well carried, dark eyes, would like to see more expression, g. neck, topline a bit soft, g. depth of chest, no forechest, g. front + hindlegs. Movem. could be better front + behind. G. coat + temp.
Opdrætter |
IM | Ikke mødt | 0025 Kritik | Bjarkartúns Galaxy | |
Opdrætter |
IM | Ikke mødt | 0026 Kritik | Skeggeyjar Móna Lísa | |
Opdrætter |
Mellemklasse | ||||
Plac. | Katalognr. | |||
1 | Excellent EX | CK | 0028 Kritik | True-West Miss A |
Fem. head, nice dark eyes, g. ear carriage, expressive, enough neck, ex. topline, deep chest, bit forechest. Corr. front + hindlegs. Moves a bit loose in front, not so well behind. Nice coat + markings + temp.
Opdrætter |
2 | Excellent EX | 0029 Kritik | True-West I Want It All | |
Nice bitch, fem head. Ears could be carried better, closer to the head, dark eyes, g. stop, g. expression, neck a bit short, compact body, nice top + underline, well ang. front + behind. Hind movement could be better, nice coat + temp.
Opdrætter |
3 | Excellent EX | 0030 Kritik | Skeggjastaða Liv Hekla | |
Fem. head, expressive, dark almond shaped eyes, g. ears, neck a bit short, sloping topline, g. chest, well angulated front + behind. ex. tail carriage. Hindmovement should be better. Nice coat + temp.
Opdrætter |
Åbenklasse | ||||
Plac. | Katalognr. | |||
1 | Excellent EX | CK 2.BTK CERT R.CACIB | 0035 Kritik | Amori Marti Yurate |
Nice bitch v. fem head. Typ expr. dark eyes, g. ears. G. neck, Ex. in all parts of the body, Moves w. good drive, nice coat + markings + temp.
Opdrætter |
2 | Excellent EX | CK | 0032 Kritik | Silver'Winhunters Best Of Beatrice |
Fem. head, dirty teeth, dark eyes, g. ears, g. expression, short neck, ex top + underline. well ang. front + behind. Moves well, nice coat + temp
Opdrætter |
3 | Excellent EX | 0031 Kritik | Helguhlíðar Eldfjalla Orka | |
Nice bitch, fem head, dark eyes, g. ears, g. expression, G. neck, ex. body, very well built, corr. lines + ang. Moves quite well, nice coat + temp.
Opdrætter |
4 | Excellent EX | 0033 Kritik | True West Ventus Barbatus | |
Fem. head, nice dark eyes, g. ears, expressive, short neck, well built w. corr. lines + angulations. Moves quite well. Coat could be harsher, nice temperament.
Opdrætter |
Very good VG | 0034 Kritik | True-West Take a Chance On Me | ||
Fem. head, doesn't like to show the teeth, dark eyes + g. ears, g. neck , level topline, g. chest + front + hindlegs. Bad movem. behind. G. coat + temp. does not move well at all.
Opdrætter |
Championklasse | ||||
Plac. | Katalognr. | |||
1 | Excellent EX | CK 1.BTK CACIB BIR | 0037 Kritik | Estrella De La Victoria Dark Angel Julia |
Very nice bitch w. an ex. head a lot of expression, dark eyes, nice ears, v. good neck, ex. built, a bit sloping topl. deep chest, ex. shoulder, nice front + hindlegs. Moves w. good drive, nice coat + temp.
Opdrætter |
2 | Excellent EX | CK | 0036 Kritik | Skeggjastaða Eldey Elfa |
Fem. head, expressive, dark eyes, g. ears, g. neck, short body w. ex. lines + ang. Moves very well. Nice coat + temp.
Opdrætter |
Opdrætsklasse | ||||
Plac. | Katalognr. | |||
1 | HP ÆP | 0041 Kritik | Skeggjastaða | |
4 different comb. very similar in type, all of them with ex. heads + body's. All of them w. ex. carried ears. All move v. well.
2 | HP | 0040 Kritik | True-West | |
Two different comb. Very nice heads, Well built, All are moving well. Nice coats + temp.
Avlsklasse | ||||
Plac. | Katalognr. | |||
1 | HP ÆP | 0039 Kritik | Skeggjastaða Eldey Elfa | |
Offsprings from 2 different comb. Very similar in type, all w. ex heads + body's, moving v. well. Compliment to the dam.
Opdrætter |
Ikke mødt | 0038 Kritik | Jerycho Dzikie Pola (FCI) | ||
Opdrætter |
Par klasse | ||||
Plac. | Katalognr. | |||