29 jan. 2023

Hundaræktarfélag Íslands

Specialklub udstilling


German shepherd dog, long and harsh outer coat

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Antal bedømte hunde i racen: 2
Dommer: Erna Sigríður Ómarsdóttir, Island
Bedste hvalp
Dimmuspors Addicted To You
Katalognr.: 0002
Ejer: Land: Island
Opdrætter: Eygló Anna O. Guðlaugsdóttir og Guðlaugur Ottesen 109 Reykjavík Island
Registreringsnummer: IS33837/22

Udstilling information

Klasse: Hvalpeklasse
Ring: 3

Plac. Katalognr.
1 SL BIK 0002  Kritik Dimmuspors Addicted To You
8 and a half months old. masq male of ex bredd type and proportions. ex shape of head. ex shape of ears and well set. ex expression. scissor bite. strong neck. well laid back of sholder, ex front angulations. straight legs. chest still developing. straight topline. sloping croup. ex hind angulations. ex movements for age. promising coat.
Registreringsnummer: IS33837/22

Land: Island

Eygló Anna O. Guðlaugsdóttir og Guðlaugur Ottesen
109 Reykjavík

2 SL 0001  Kritik Dimmuspors All I Ever Wanted
8 and a half months old masq male of ex breed type and proportions. wedge shaped head but like the skull a bit wider, ex shap of ears and well set. ex express scissor bite. strong neck well laid back shoulders. ex front angulation. straight legs. topline could be straighter. sloping croup. ex tailset. ex hind angulations. ex movemnets for age. promising coat.
Registreringsnummer: IS33842/22

Land: Island

Eygló Anna O. Guðlaugsdóttir og Guðlaugur Ottesen
109 Reykjavík

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