10 jun. 2023

Hundaræktarfélag Íslands

Nordisk udstilling


Giant schnauzer, black

Antal tilmeldte hunde i officielle klasser: 5
Antal bedømte hunde i racen: 6
Dommer: Sóley Halla Möller, Island
Bedst i racen - BIR
Heljuheims Draumur í Dós
Katalognr.: 0327
Ejer: Halldór Valek Jóhannsson 108 Reykjavík Island
Opdrætter: Ragnhildur Gísladóttir 810 Hveragerði Island
Registreringsnummer: IS29568/21 ISSHCH ISJCH

Udstilling information

Klasse: Championklasse
Ring: 8

Bedst i modsat køn - BIM
Heljuheims Dramatíska Afbrigði
Katalognr.: 0328
Ejer: Hafrún Sigurðardóttir, 300 Akranesi Island
Opdrætter: Ragnhildur Gísladóttir 810 Hveragerði Island
Registreringsnummer: IS29570/21 ISJCH ISSHCH ISW22

Udstilling information

Klasse: Championklasse
Ring: 8

Bedste junior
Gloris Enisey
Katalognr.: 0324
Ejer: Hafrún Sigurðardóttir, 300 Akranesi Island
Opdrætter: Olga Seliverstova
Registreringsnummer: IS34913/23 FIJCH

Udstilling information

Klasse: Juniorklasse
Ring: 8

Plac. Katalognr.
1 EX CK 3.BHK CERT Jun.CERT 0324  Kritik Gloris Enisey
16 months old. excellent size, type and prop. masculine male. strong masculine head with intelligent expression. correct set ears, flat skull, nice almond shaped eyes, strong muzzle, scissor bite. well laid back shoulder, deep chest, normal angulation front and rear, strong bones, nice feet. level topline. ex tail and carrage. ex coat quality and grooming. needs time to balance in movements but nice when he wants to. very promising junior.
Registreringsnummer: IS34913/23 FIJCH

Hafrún Sigurðardóttir
Jörundarholti 102
300 Akranesi
Ikke oplyst

Olga Seliverstova

Plac. Katalognr.
1 EX CK 1.BHK NCAC BIR 0327  Kritik Heljuheims Draumur í Dós
2 years old. strong masculine male of ex type, size, prop. masculine head with intelligent express. correct set ears, nice almond shaped eyes, strong muzzle, scissor bite. excellent laid back shoulder, deep chest, normal angulation front and rear, strong bones and feet, level topline. correct tailset. excellent coat quality and grooming. moves with ex reach and drive. balanced seen from all sides. excellent temperament.
Registreringsnummer: IS29568/21 ISSHCH ISJCH

Halldór Valek Jóhannsson
Sogavegi 125
108 Reykjavík
Ikke oplyst

Ragnhildur Gísladóttir
810 Hveragerði

2 EX CK 2.BHK R.NCAC 0325  Kritik Ragnar de Lordship's
almost 5 years old. excellent type, upper size. strong masculine head with intelligent express. correct set ears, nice almond eyes. correct scissor bite, strong muzzle. well laid back shoulders, deep chest. normal angulation front and rear. nice feet, level topline, correct tailset. moves with reach, a little wide in front. nice side movements. ex coat quality and grooming. excellent temperament.
Registreringsnummer: IS26008/19 ISSHCH ISJCH

Ragnhildur Gísladóttir
Dynskógar 26
810 Hveragerði

Luis Llin Talavera

3 EX 0326  Kritik Heljuheims Úlfur Úlfur
3 years old. ex type, upper size. strong masculine head with intelligent express. correct set ears, flat skull, nice almond shaped eyes, strong muzzle, scissor bite. well laid back shoulders, deep chest, normal angulation front and rear, strong bones and feet, level topline. correct tailset. ex coat quality and grooming. balanced side movements, a little weak in front. ex temperament.
Registreringsnummer: IS28276/20 ISJCH ISSHCH

Ragnhildur Gísladóttir
Dynskógar 26
810 Hveragerði

Ragnhildur Gísladóttir
810 Hveragerði

Plac. Katalognr.
1 EX CK 1.BTK CERT NCAC BIM 0328  Kritik Heljuheims Dramatíska Afbrigði
2,5 years old. beautiful feminine bitch. ex type, size, proportions. beautiful feminine head with kind express. correct set ears, flat skull, nice almond shaped dark eyes, strong muzzle, scissor bite. well laid back shoulder, deep chest. normal angulation front and rear. strong bones and feet. level topline. correct tailset. ex coat quality and grooming. balanced movements from all sides.
Registreringsnummer: IS29570/21 ISJCH ISSHCH ISW22

Hafrún Sigurðardóttir
Jörundarholti 102
300 Akranesi
Ikke oplyst

Ragnhildur Gísladóttir
810 Hveragerði

Plac. Katalognr.  
1   HP ÆP 0329  Kritik Heljuheims
high quality group of giant schnauzer, 2 comb, 1 female, 2 males which you can see clear difference in. all ex in type, size and prop. breeder takes care of the importance of the breed. all with high quality coat and ex movements. Congratulations to the breeder, keep up the good work.
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Plac. Katalognr.
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